Church of the Holy Rosary

Weekly Reflection – 12/25/20


A Saviour is born unto us!! We rejoice in the Lord al-ways! In our Catholic Church we celebrate many things, however; the most important is the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came into the world to make the Father’s love and power known to every man and woman. Jesus continues to draw us into His love and power through the Sacraments, where God’s divine life is shared with us.

This last year has been full of challenges and some surprises. Each one of these challenges invite us to depend more on God for His endless help and grace. The question is have we been able to keep our eyes on Christ in the midst of difficulties and the abnormal-cy. I pray and hope this has been a time for you to seek the Lord in new ways and to learn new ways He desires to work in our lives.

If we need inspiration and hope, we should turn to the saints. They are not only our family members, but they desire us to be with them in heaven in the pres-ence of God forever! Each saint allows us to see how God works in each person’s daily life and reveals the possibility of us becoming saints too. Find a favorite saint, or two, or three, or fifty. You will be amazed when we speak to them and ask for their help, how they truly enjoy while waiting for us to ask them to intercede for us.

May the Holy Family always remind us that they are the ONLY ONE PERFECT FAMILY! We have been given our families to learn how to love them as God loves. A task that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are happy to help within each of our family’s. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph plead for us with the Father to help us become the saints He is making us into!

In Christ, through Mary,
Father Steiner