Church of the Holy Rosary

Updated Mass Procedures

Before the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, here are some ‘housekeeping’ items to keep in mind:

  • Once you are seated; if you feel comfortable, feel free to remove your facemask.
  • Please leave your worship aid in your pew when you leave. This helps us know which pews need to be cleaned and sanitized after Mass.
  • During the consecration you may remain seated or kneel.
  • Please keep a holy reverence throughout Mass.
  • We will process up the center aisle for Holy Communion. There are 4 spots for each side along the front to maintain social distance. If you are wearing a face mask please remove it as you reach a spot. To receive, you may stand or kneel on the step. After you have received Holy Communion, please process back to your seat.
  • Once Father has given us the final blessing and dismissed us, remain in your seats. An usher will direct you safely out of the Church building.
  • Please remember to silence your cell phones.

Thank you for your continued financial support during this difficult time. Collection baskets will be available in the Narthex before and after Mass. If you have any questions or concerns, please let the ushers know at the conclusion of Mass.