Church of the Holy Rosary

We need your help for the Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build, 2023!

Holy Rosary will be participating in the Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build on June 24-25 this summer. This will be the 12th Catholic Build for the Diocese of Nashville. The future homeowner, Wanda, is raising her 14-year-old grandson and your contributions can make affordable housing a reality for her.

For our portion of the build costs, we need to raise $8,325 as part of the total cost of the $66,000 needed to sponsor a home.

You can donate online through WeShare or drop a check in the collection basket made payable to Holy Rosary with HFH in the memo line.
If interested in being a build volunteer CLICK HERE.

Hope you will make plans to join us at our Cookout Fundraiser on April 23. Please click the link below to RSVP so we have enough food for everyone!

We thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to get our parish family together to share about the build process and raise awareness and raise some additional funds too! Kevin, the Habitat Director of Faith Relations, will be there to answer any questions.

Please RSVP HERE for the fundraiser event by April 20.