Church of the Holy Rosary

Thank You For Your Support!

Dear Holy Rosary Family,

As we reach the final week of our Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries series, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your involvement and support of our parish and diocese. I hope that you’ve learned something new about the different ministries of our local Church, and how you can help them remain strong. I know I have!

This week, I want to remind you of the collective impact your support has on the ministries supported by the annual appeal. Through your generosity, you strengthen our community of faith, support our seminarians; educate the next generation of Catholics; provide love, hope and healing to those in need; and more. By coming together as a community, we can transform our lives and share the Good News with all throughout Middle Tennessee.

At the beginning of our series, I shared with you our parish’s progress toward meeting our annual appeal goal of $58,145. As of today we’ve raised a total of $24,641. We have a way to go to meet our goal and if you haven’t yet had a chance to join us in supporting this year’s appeal, I invite you to do so today at

It has been such a joy to share with you the impact the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries makes throughout Middle Tennessee! Thank you for all you do for our parish and our diocese. Together, we are changing lives and helping to meet the daily needs of those around us. I hope you’ll join me today!

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. John Sims Baker