Church of the Holy Rosary


Ordination Reception for Father Garcia-Mendoza

Ordination Reception for Father Garcia-Mendoza
Sunday, Aug 16
2:30 pm until ?
Holy Rosary Gym Foyer

Since only invited guests can attend his First Solemn Mass here at Holy Rosary because of covid restrictions, Deacon Juan Carlos would like to invite you to stop by to say your goodbyes.

Light finger foods, iced tea, and cake will be served.
Social distancing guidelines will be in place.

We wish him well on his new assignment at St. Rose in Murfreesboro. We are all so very proud of him and wish him many, happy blessings.

TIME CHANGE for Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Hi Holy Rosary families, the Mass this Saturday is listed incorrectly in the bulletin. 7:30 am is the correct start time

Father Steiner will be praying in a special way at the 7:30 am Mass for the Feast of the Assumption on Saturday, Aug 15 for all our parishioners that are confined to their home because of COVID-19, or any other reason.

If you, or someone you know, would like to be included at this Mass or would like to be added to a list to be informed about virtual or online spiritual opportunities, please email our DRE Cheryl Pryor at with a name and email.

Please email this info by Friday, August 14th. 

Parish Mission: Why Be Catholic?

UPDATE: sign up forms for the mission are here. There are four nights to choose and you can select either gym seating for church seating.

Join us during this Year of Mercy August 30th through September 3rd, 2020 for our Parish Mission and Healing Service entitled: Why Be Catholic?

Fr. Ken Geraci, lived the life of the prodigal son for most of his young adult life. Raised in a nominally Catholic family, who only lived the externals of the faith, Fr. Ken left the Catholic Church for many years. During that time he worked as a business professional in Advanced R&D and software testing; a few years into his career he joined a few of his co-workers in establishing a 4.5M Internet software company. Focused on money, fitness and success, he made little room for God; but God did not give up on him. During this journey, God presented him with challenges that forced him to question his personal beliefs and the question “What is Truth?” Through a series of conversions, years of struggle, study and questioning, Fr. Ken found his way from agnosticism, to non-denomination Christianity and ultimately back to the Catholic Church.

Fr. Ken joined the Fathers of Mercy in 2006 and was ordained in 2012. Having lived a secular existence, Fr. Ken has a great understanding of the personal and societal pressures that individuals face and knows what it is like to “hate coming to church.” This mission is for people of all ages and levels of faith, from those who are madly in love with Jesus, to those who pretty much cannot stand church or religion. Regardless of your level of faith come and experience God’s Divine Mercy!

Mission subjects

  • Sunday – What did Jesus Do – Church or Spirituality?
  • Monday – Why do we do that as Catholics?
  • Tuesday – Jesus the Divine Mercy
  • Wednesday – Two Obstacles to Healing
  • Thursday – How to Pray the Mass

Sunday – Wednesday – Confession one hour prior to the Mission at 5:30 pm followed by the Mission talk and Eucharistic Exposition 6:30 – 7:30 pm with an additional confession to follow Benediction

New Event: Holy Rosary Beautification Day

Saturday, August 1st, 9 am – 3 pm

This is an awesome opportunity to volunteer together and spruce up our campus.
We will be cleaning up the church, sidewalks, steps, and landscape.

Come for the whole day or just for a few hours.

You will also have a chance to meet our new Principal and Operations Manager.
Lunch and cleaning supplies will be provided but don’t forget water and sunscreen.

If you have a power washer you can bring, please note that when you sign up.