Church of the Holy Rosary


October Daily Rosary

Dedicated as a parish to the Most Holy Rosary, we wish to celebrate October as the Month of the Rosary in a profound way; by having a daily opportunity to come together to pray this powerful prayer as a community. We wish to become ever more faithful disciples by spending this month in contemplation of the mysteries of Christ through the Rosary which Pope Pius XII called “a compendium of the entire Gospel”.

We hope you will join us multiple times in October to join with our parish community to pray the rosary!

A Day of Reflection

Join the women of Holy Rosary Church for a Day of Reflection led by Fr. Nic Allen on Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Bethany Retreat House in Dickson, TN.

Come join your Sisters in Christ as we pause to reflect on the messages of the Gospel for women, and how this leads us to a deeper relationship with Jesus, Our Lord.

The cost is $25 and includes morning refreshments and lunch, 2 talks, mass, time for reflection or private adoration in the chapel or a quiet walk around the grounds. Anyone who would like to carpool can meet at the church parking lot at 7:45 am.
You can pay online HERE.
Registration Deadline is Sept. 5th

Contact Candace at with questions.

Parish Religion Education Program (PREP) Registration is open

Parish Religion Education Program (PREP) Registration is Open through September 24!

Classes begin September 10, 2023, and end May 5, 2024. All classes are held between the Masses, 9:45-10:45 am on Sundays.

Who can participate?
Students entering Grades K-12

Holy Rosary Parish, 192 Graylynn Drive, Nashville, TN 37214. Classes are held in the school building.

What does it cost?
$30 for 1 student, $50 for 2 or more students (for books and materials).
Scholarships are available as needed–contact Laura for more information.


Tuesday, August 15th: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This significant feast day recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God.

Venerable Pope Pius XII confirmed this belief about the Virgin Mary as the perennial teaching of the Church when he defined it formally as a dogma of the Catholic faith in 1950, invoking papal infallibility to proclaim, “that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

We will celebrate this feast day and Holy Day of Obligation on Tuesday, August 15th at 8am, 12pm and 6pm.
Please join us!

We need your help for the Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build, 2023!

Holy Rosary will be participating in the Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build on June 24-25 this summer. This will be the 12th Catholic Build for the Diocese of Nashville. The future homeowner, Wanda, is raising her 14-year-old grandson and your contributions can make affordable housing a reality for her.

For our portion of the build costs, we need to raise $8,325 as part of the total cost of the $66,000 needed to sponsor a home.

You can donate online through WeShare or drop a check in the collection basket made payable to Holy Rosary with HFH in the memo line.
If interested in being a build volunteer CLICK HERE.

Hope you will make plans to join us at our Cookout Fundraiser on April 23. Please click the link below to RSVP so we have enough food for everyone!

We thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to get our parish family together to share about the build process and raise awareness and raise some additional funds too! Kevin, the Habitat Director of Faith Relations, will be there to answer any questions.

Please RSVP HERE for the fundraiser event by April 20.

Save the Date! Lenten Mission

Holy Rosary is hosting a Lenten Mission!

Who is the Mission Presenter? Father John Sims Baker
When: February 26 – March 2, 2023, 6:00 pm
Where: Church of the Holy Rosary
192 Graylynn Drive
Nashville, TN 37214

A parish mission is a big undertaking, and we need your help!
Volunteers are needed to:

  • Help with child care 1 – 2 evenings (infants through 1 st grade). We need a lot of volunteers to rotate through the week, so that everyone can attend the Mission at some point!
    • 8 – 10 adults per night – must be Safe Environment certified by 2/1/2023
    • 8 – 10 high school students per night: service hour opportunity!
  • Provide pre-packaged snacks for children (no peanut products, please); can be dropped off at Church office during the day
  • Usher: Help with seating, speaker needs, etc.
  • Help with parking

For more information, to learn about Safe Environment certification, or to volunteer, call or email Laura Bratcher-Page, Director of Religious Education (“Ms. Laura” to the kids): 615.889.4065 x203 or