Church of the Holy Rosary


October Daily Rosary

Dedicated as a parish to the Most Holy Rosary, we wish to celebrate October as the Month of the Rosary in a profound way; by having a daily opportunity to come together to pray this powerful prayer as a community. We wish to become ever more faithful disciples by spending this month in contemplation of the mysteries of Christ through the Rosary which Pope Pius XII called “a compendium of the entire Gospel”.

We hope you will join us multiple times in October to join with our parish community to pray the rosary!

A Day of Reflection

Join the women of Holy Rosary Church for a Day of Reflection led by Fr. Nic Allen on Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Bethany Retreat House in Dickson, TN.

Come join your Sisters in Christ as we pause to reflect on the messages of the Gospel for women, and how this leads us to a deeper relationship with Jesus, Our Lord.

The cost is $25 and includes morning refreshments and lunch, 2 talks, mass, time for reflection or private adoration in the chapel or a quiet walk around the grounds. Anyone who would like to carpool can meet at the church parking lot at 7:45 am.
You can pay online HERE.
Registration Deadline is Sept. 5th

Contact Candace at with questions.

Evenings of Recollection

Fr. Baker is offering monthly Evenings of Recollection. Here is how he explains the process:

Evenings of Recollection can be considered a mini retreat to help us grow as disciples of the Lord Jesus. Holy Rosary Parish is about forming missionary disciples, those who are ever deepening their faith and going out to help others to grow as disciples. We are not about maintaining organizations, running activities, or promoting institutions. There can be a temptation to fall into “maintenance” thinking in a parish rather than discipleship thinking. A monthly evening of recollection can keep us focused on discipleship. Discipleship requires an on-going process of conversion. Discipleship means change!

Here is how an evening of recollection works: It begins with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Then there is a spiritual talk, given by the priest, an examination of conscience, and an opportunity for confession. During confession, there is time for prayer and sometimes a lay talk. After confession, there is a second spiritual talk by the priest, and the evening concludes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. It is all scheduled to last about two hours, roughly from 7-9 p.m. It is a retreat right here in your own parish every month!

The spirituality of St. Josemaria Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, inspires the evenings of recollection. This spirituality focuses on the universal call to holiness of all Christians in ordinary life and our identity and dignity as Sons and Daughters of God by virtue of baptism.



Mark your calendar and plan to join us!

Tuesday, August 15th: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This significant feast day recalls the spiritual and physical departure of the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth when both her soul and her body were taken into the presence of God.

Venerable Pope Pius XII confirmed this belief about the Virgin Mary as the perennial teaching of the Church when he defined it formally as a dogma of the Catholic faith in 1950, invoking papal infallibility to proclaim, “that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

We will celebrate this feast day and Holy Day of Obligation on Tuesday, August 15th at 8am, 12pm and 6pm.
Please join us!

Celebrate the Installation of our New Pastor Fr. John Sims Baker

The members of the Church of the Holy Rosary invite you to join us as we celebrate the Installation of our new pastor Fr. John Sims Baker. We will mark this blessed occasion with mass and installation by Bishop Spalding at the 11 am mass followed by a luncheon in the Family Life Center.

If you will be attending the luncheon, please RSVP by August 1 with how many family members will be attending.  

RSVP here

Receptions for Deacon Christopher and Fr. Steiner

Please join us on Sunday, June 4 after the 8:30 and 11 am masses for coffee, juice and donuts in the dining hall to welcome Deacon Christopher to Holy Rosary.

There will be a Farewell to Father Steiner gathering in the HRA dining hall after each mass the weekend of June 10-11. Please join us for a wine and cheese reception after the 5:00 mass, coffee and donuts after the 8:30 mass, or appetizers after the 11:00 mass. Please click this link to RSVP or sign up on the sheets in the narthex so we can plan accordingly. If you would like to bring an item for the gatherings, sign up HERE.